Comments on: Greek Words With Many Vowels Greeky, geeky ramblings Sun, 19 Sep 2021 21:13:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: mgg Sat, 31 Jul 2021 18:46:08 +0000 In reply to Jay Rhoden.

Yes!! I would love to see that happen! I think there are others with a similar vision as well, including my Greek teacher. I agree that there is a great need for beginner-level comprehensible input that can a new Greek student can use to get “over the hump” of the first shock of learning a new language and getting to the place where he can read things that he can understand and grow in.
Have you heard of Looks like a good amount of work is being done already, so maybe you could benefit/collaborate to help the dream become a reality!
Yeah, I know what you mean about the LXX and licensing… I’ve been researching it a bit, and have come to very similar conclusions. Just the other day I came across an open license LXX text though! Check it out at:
For a human-readable version, see here: We’ve been talking in Greek class about putting out an open-source LXX reader with morphology, etc, and I don’t think it would actually be that difficult with all of the tools available to use nowadays!

By: Jay Rhoden Sat, 31 Jul 2021 14:48:40 +0000 In reply to mgg.

Yes, I would love to get it in the site, but my focus at the moment is putting together a series of video/activity lessons designed to help people learn, and maybe more importantyl, keep their Greek. Kind of like Daily Dose of Greek, but instead of being focussed on parsing, I want a library of easy to read simple greek text that goes from super easy to read, to bible level (after that point people can just read the bible). I think the gap between “first year greek + intermediate greek grammar” and “reading the bible super comfortably” can be decreased. And I am wondering if its possible to create material that will speed up the process of getting from “basic greek” to “reading the bible comfortably”.

For the LXX, I need to find out how it works with licensing. The main Greek LXX people use on websites has some documentation that needs to be completed to ask for permission and I don’t know what conditions are attached to that. I kind of prefer the idea that there be a fully free unrestricted Greek text that anyone is free to use forever. But I think to achieve that I would have to scan the older out of copyright edition and do a bunch of manual tidying and parsing. Which is probably far too ambitious for me to take on. Im not sure. (I have an interest in the idea of software that can auto tag/parse scanned text, but again, I am not sure how much work that would be, I don’t expect it to be easy, but imagine if that can be applied to all other non parsed Greek manuscripts we have. I think it would be very cool)

By: mgg Thu, 29 Jul 2021 19:33:48 +0000 In reply to Jay Rhoden.

Yes, I agree. It’s great to meet a fellow Greek geek! 🙂
Thanks, I appreciate your kind words, and I will add that I like your site as well! My favorite part is the dictionary with parsing tables for all the inflected forms of the word. Curious, will you be adding the LXX to your list of available reading texts?

By: Jay Rhoden Thu, 29 Jul 2021 14:28:56 +0000 In reply to mgg.

Yep, Dr Randal Buth has done valuable work both in scholarship and in general contributing to biblical greek studies. I am also aiming for his reconstructed Koine Pronunciation on my website, I am not always perfect at it, but I figure I’ve got to start somewhere:ἑαυτοῦ

Your blog is great by the way. I hope you keep it up.

By: mgg Thu, 29 Jul 2021 00:36:23 +0000 Yeah, as I was making this post, I was wondering how the people who wrote the text pronounced some of those words! FWIW, I use “restored” Koine Greek pronunciation, ( so for many of the words with Ï… in them (as part of a diphthong) the Ï… is actually pronounced with a soft “v” sound.
For example, ἑαυτοῦ is pronounced e-av-too. (“e” as in ever)

By: Jay Wed, 28 Jul 2021 23:32:01 +0000 I never know how to pronounce these types of words when I am doing my daily reading.

I mean, I know how they are “meant” to be pronounced, but they are still awkward 🙂
